Rehearsal Schedule

2002 Members Recital--RCFC #1ATTENDANCE POLICIES:

Rose City Flute Choir (RCFC) is an adult volunteer organization. As adults, we need to all be responsible for  attending as many rehearsals as humanly possible–at least 70%.   Remember, EVERYONE plays an important role in RCFC and it’s important that all parts are covered & balanced at rehearsals.   Attendance is important to the continuing quality of the group and is required at a minimum of two of the last three rehearsals prior to a performance.  See Policies & Information

***REMINDER: Please avoid wearing or reapplying perfumes and scented cosmetics before rehearsals and performances—several members are allergic or sensitive to scents.

If you must miss a rehearsal or concert, please call or text Phyllis at 503-703-7961 or email at, as soon as you know of the conflict.


The RCFC Board met recently and decided to eliminate the Covid vaccination requirement.  The RCFC Board has recently decided to end the Covid vaccination requirement.  Although no longer required  by RCFC, we encourage players to stay current on Covid vaccinations. That said, if you do not feel well, have a fever (101 or higher), cold-like symptoms, and/or cough, or if you have had a close-contact exposure to Covid, please stay home and don’t come to rehearsal. If you are asymptomatic and test negative 5-7 days after exposure (PCR test preferred), then you may return to rehearsal. If you test positive, you may return to rehearsal after the standard quarantine protocol AND you test negative for Covid.  This policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice and will be based on CDC recommendations. 

REHEARSALS: Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm.  Bring your instrument and a music stand.  A stand light is recommended.  Please help set up the chairs and re-stack the chairs after rehearsal.

REHEARSAL LOCATION (as of October 2022):

Calvary Parkside Fellowship, 5755 SW Erickson Ave, Beaverton, Oregon.  The church is between Allen Blvd. and Farmington Road; just west of Hwy 217.

REHEARSAL ROOM (as of October 2022):
We’ll be rehearsing in the sanctuary at the end of the building closest to Erickson (North Entrance).  Entrance to sanctuary is just to the left of the double glass doors.

RCFC MUSIC LIBRARY:   click here to see what we have in our library

Spring Concert Repertoire:

  • Flute Suite by Salvador Brotons
  • By Kells Waters, arr. Kelly Via
  • Divertimento Jazz by Raymond Guiot
  • Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms

2nd HALF:

  • Fluter’s Holiday by Leroy Anderson, arr. Monty Adams
  • As Eagles Flew by Phyllis Avidan Louke
  • Sicilienne by Gabriel Faure, arr. Louke
  • Jewish Folk Dance Suite, arr. Louke
  • Mixing the Malt by Peter Martin, arr. Paige Long

Rehearsal and Performance Schedule

  • Weekly Thursday evening rehearsals start:  Jan. 16th for Spring Season
  • Flute Fair Performance April 5th
  • Spring Concert: Sat., April 26th at Calvary Parkside either afternoon or evening
  • Performance at Jennings McCall in Forest Grove: Sun., April 27th, 2:00pm, 1:30 call
  • Summer Season rehearsals start: May 1st (the week after Spring Concert) till June 26th; Tentative Concert at Calvary Parkside: Sat., June 28th (afternoon)
  • We’ll schedule a few performances at retirement communities in July and possibly a concert at the church (subject to availability) at the end of June with our summer repertoire
Jan. 16
New Music for this season will be in your file folder in the box of music.  Please take the music and leave your folder
Bring your own music stand  (there are no stands available at the church)
1st Half:  By Kells Waters, Flute Suite, mvmt 1 & 3,
2nd Half:As Eagles Flew, Faure Sicilienne, Mixing the Malt
Jan. 23
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order:
2nd Half: Jewish Folk Dance Suite, Mixing the Malt
1st Half: Hungarian Dance No. 5, Divertimento Jazz, Flute Suite mvmt 4 & 5,
Jan. 30
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order:
1st Half: Flute Suite mvmt 2 & 6
2nd Half: Fluter’s Holiday, As Eagles Flew 
Feb. 6
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order:
2nd Half: Mixing the Malt, As Eagles Flew, Faure Sicilienne,
1st Half:  Divertimento Jazz (all mvmts); Flute Suite mvmts 1, 2, 3, Hungarian Dance 
Feb. 13
Rehearsal cancelled due to weather
Feb. 20
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order: 
1st Half: By Kells Waters, Flute Suite, mvmts 4, 5, 6, Divertimento Jazz
2nd Half: Jewish Folk Dance Suite, Mixing the Malt, As Eagles Flew, Fluter’s Holiday,  
Feb. 27
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order:
1st Half: Divertimento Jazz (all), Flute Suite (all)
2nd Half: Sicilienne, Jewish Folk Dance, As Eagles Flew, Mixing the Malt
March 6
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order:
2nd Half: Sicilienne, Mixing the Malt, Jewish Folk Dance, As Eagles Flew, Fluter’s Holiday
1st Half:  By Kells Waters,Hungarian Dance,Flute Suite, Divertimento Jazz,
March 13
Choose program for Flute Fair (everyone gets to vote for 3 pieces):

Flute Fair Program:
As Eagles Flew
Fluters’ Holiday
Sicilienne by Faure
Mixing the Malt

Rehearsal order:
1st Half:   By Kells Waters, Hungarian Dance, Flute Suite (all), Divertimento Jazz (all)
2nd Half:  Mixing the Malt, Jewish Folk Dance, Fluter’s Holiday, As Eagles Flew

March 20
 Lisa Ochoco will conduct tonight’s rehearsal.  🙂
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order:
1st Half: Divertimento Jazz, Flute Suite Mvmt 1-3, By Kells Waters
2nd Half: Sicilienne (Faure), Mixing the Malt, As Eagles Flew, Jewish Folk Dance Suite (if time)
March 27


Flute Fair Program:
As Eagles Flew
Fluters’ Holiday
Sicilienne by Faure
Mixing the Malt
2nd Half: As Eagles Flew, Fluters’ Holiday, Sicilienne by Faure, Mixing the Malt, Jewish Folk Dance
1st Half: Flute Suite, By Kells Waters, Divertimento Jazz, Hungarian Dance
April 3


2nd Half: As Eagles Flew, Fluters’ Holiday, Sicilienne, Mixing the Malt, Jewish Folk Dance
1st Half: Flute Suite, By Kells Waters, Divertimento Jazz, Hungarian Dance
Saturday, April 5 – PERFORMANCE
Flute Fair Performance – morning
10:45am-11:15am in McLoughlin Auditorium
(Warm-up time 10:15-10:45am, location TBA)
Program TBA
11:30-12:15:  Phyllis is teaching a workshop on Starting Beginning Flutists in McLoughlin Hall
April 10
REHEARSAL – Rehearsal order:
1st Half:
  • Flute Suite by Salvador Brotons
  • By Kells Waters, arr. Kelly Via
  • Divertimento Jazz by Raymond Guiot
  • Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms
2nd Half:
  • Fluter’s Holiday by Leroy Anderson, arr. Monty Adams
  • As Eagles Flew by Phyllis Avidan Louke
  • Sicilienne by Gabriel Faure, arr. Louke
  • Jewish Folk Dance Suite, arr. Louke
  • Mixing the Malt by Peter Martin, arr. Paige Long

April 17
*New Date* Dress Rehearsal – Concert Order
1st Half:
  • Flute Suite by Salvador Brotons
  • By Kells Waters, arr. Kelly Via
  • Divertimento Jazz by Raymond Guiot
  • Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms
2nd Half:
  • Fluter’s Holiday by Leroy Anderson, arr. Monty Adams
  • As Eagles Flew by Phyllis Avidan Louke
  • Sicilienne by Gabriel Faure, arr. Louke
  • Jewish Folk Dance Suite, arr. Louke
  • Mixing the Malt by Peter Martin, arr. Paige Long
April 24
7:00 Call for 7:30 Performance at
Rose Schnitzer Manor
Address: 6140 SW Boundary St., Portland
Concert Dress:  White RCFC Polos and black slacks or long skirt
1st Half:
  • Flute Suite by Salvador Brotons  (just 2-3 movements)
  • By Kells Waters, arr. Kelly Via
  • Divertimento Jazz by Raymond Guiot
  • Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms
2nd Half:
  • Fluter’s Holiday by Leroy Anderson, arr. Monty Adams
  • As Eagles Flew by Phyllis Avidan Louke
  • Sicilienne by Gabriel Faure, arr. Louke
  • Jewish Folk Dance Suite, arr. Louke
  • Mixing the Malt by Peter Martin, arr. Paige Long
Saturday, April 26th –
Spring Concert
Spring Concert Performance- 

NEW PERFORMANCE TIME:  3:00pm, call time:  2:15,

Calvary Parkside Fellowship, 5755 SW Erickson Ave, Beaverton, Oregon

Concert Dress:  Black and/or White with red accents

1st Half:
  • Flute Suite by Salvador Brotons 
  • By Kells Waters, arr. Kelly Via
  • Divertimento Jazz by Raymond Guiot
  • Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms
 2nd Half:
  • Fluter’s Holiday by Leroy Anderson, arr. Monty Adams
  • As Eagles Flew by Phyllis Avidan Louke
  • Sicilienne by Gabriel Faure, arr. Louke
  • Jewish Folk Dance Suite, arr. Louke
  • Mixing the Malt by Peter Martin, arr. Paige Long
April 27, Sunday, 2:00pm
Jennings McCall Performance, 1:30pm Call time, 2:00pm Performance
Forest Grove , 2300 Masonic Way Forest Grove, OR 

Concert Dress:  White RCFC Polos and black slacks or long skirt

PASS IN MUSIC AFTER THE CONCERT, if you’re not going to play in Summer Season
1st Half:
  • Flute Suite by Salvador Brotons  (just 2-3 movements)
  • By Kells Waters, arr. Kelly Via
  • Divertimento Jazz by Raymond Guiot
  • Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms
 2nd Half:
  • Fluter’s Holiday by Leroy Anderson, arr. Monty Adams
  • As Eagles Flew by Phyllis Avidan Louke
  • Sicilienne by Gabriel Faure, arr. Louke
  • Jewish Folk Dance Suite, arr. Louke
  • Mixing the Malt by Peter Martin, arr. Paige Long
The Ackerly at Reed’s Crossing
Address: 7267 SE Circuit Drive, Hillsboro
Rose Schnitzer Manor
Address: 6140 SW Boundary St., Portland


For informal Rose City Flute Choir concerts and summer performances, the group wears white polo shirts embroidered with RCFC’s logo. Price is $35.00

RCFC Shirts available: (updated 3/28/24)

Women’s sizes

2 small
2 m
2 L

Men’s/unisex sizes

2 – L