

Commissioning a Piece of Music


Phyllis Avidan Louke is accepting commissions.  If you’d like information on how to commission a piece of music, contact Phyllis at or 503-703-7961 to discuss the specifics.

Some things to think about when commissioning a piece of music:

  1. Is the commission for a special occasion or a gift for a special person?
  2. Will the commissioned music occupy a specific spot on a program? (i.e. an opening piece, closing piece, fanfare, etc.)
  3. Would you like music about a particular subject, or with a particular style or mood?
  4. Consider the length of the piece desired, difficulty level, number of parts, instrumentation and date needed for the first rehearsal.
  5. Inscription or dedication on title page.

Cost of commissioning a piece of music:

  1. Cost is based on length of piece and instrumentation.
  2. In most cases the commissioning fee is paid at the project’s completion.
  3. The composer retains the rights to publish the music, although the commissioner may maintain exclusive performance rights for a specified period of time, usually between a few months to a year.
  4. Commissioning a piece is surprisingly affordable.

List of Commissioned Music


2025 In the Garden for flute duet (and for Eb flute and c-flute)
Commissioned by Linda Bailey
2025 Land of Make Believe for flute choir
Commissioned by Nicole O’Toole and the Groton Hill Flute Orchestra
2024 Come, Celebrate Christmas for flute choir
Commissioned by Cindy Ellis and the Laguna Flutes
2024 Sicilienne (arr for flute choir) by Faure
Commissioned by Angela Reynolds and a consortium of students and friends in honor of the retirement of Lisa Wolynec, Professor of Flute, from Austin Peay University, in Clarksville, Tennessee         
2024 Of Mountains, Lakes, and Mischief for flute choir
In memory of Dr. Eldred Spell, Professor of Flute, Western Carolina University
Commissioned by his devoted students and friends, past and present (Townes Miller)       

2020 A Journey with Love for Flute Choir
Commissioned by Raleigh Flute Choir and RAFA in memory Kim Kittner

Little Angel for flute and piano
Commissioned by Janelle Barerra, in loving memory of Daisy Rose

2019 Alleluia  by Eric Whitacre  for flute choir
Dedicated to The Columbia Flute Choir by Sydnee Stein in honor of her parents, Paul and Jan
2018 Flirtations for Flute Choir
Commissioned by Linda Mintener and dedicated to Linda Mintener and the Madison Flute Choir
2017 Sonatina for two flutes (or alto flutes)
Commissioned by Peter Sheridan
2016 Pandas in the Bamboo Forest for flute choir
Commissioned by Linda Mintener and dedicated to Linda Mintener and the Madison Flute Choir
2016 Beach Party!  for flute choir
Commissioned by Peter Sheridan for the Opening Concert of the 2016 National Flute Association Convention in San Diego, CA
2016 Postcards from Pikes Peak for flute choir
Dedicated to Pikes Peak Flute Choir, Treese Kjeldsen, Conductor, in honor of Director Emeritus Karen Morsch
2013 Fanfare and Celebration  for flute choir
Commissioned by Quad City Flutes Unlimited, Moline, Illinois
2012 Canyon Dreams for flute choir
Commissioned by Arizona Flute Society
2012 Fantasy on “Amazing Grace” by Johnnie Carl for flute choir
Arrangement commissioned by Pipe Dream Flutes, Westlake Village, California
2011 Spirit of the Stallion for flute alone
Commissioned by David Etienne, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
2010 Summer Medley
Commissioned by Denise Westby for Flute Fandango, Portland, Oregon
2009 Four Spirituals for Flute Choir
Commissioned by Francine Pancost, Los Angeles, California
2009 Oh, The Places We’ll See!
Commissioned by Paige Long, Flagler Beach, Florida
2008 As the Clouds Parted for alto flute & piano
Commissioned by Mary Novak Sand, Cromwell, Connecticut
2008 Big Sky for alto flute & piano
Commissioned by Maggie Schuberg, Missoula, MT
2007 On Fire for Trombone Quintet
Commissioned by Wilson Winner, Loveland, Colorado
2007 A New Beginning for Flute Choir
Commissioned by The Hampton Roads Flute Choir to Commemorate
the 400th Anniversary of the Founding of Jamestown, Virginia
2007 Flute Fiesta for Flute Choir
Commissioned by Gwen Powell for the Fiesta Flute Orchestra at the NFA Convention
2006 Temple of Heaven for Flute Choir
Commissioned by Mary Novak Sand for the Loomis Chaffee Flutes
2005 Madama Butterfly Suite for flute quartet
an arrangement of 4 arias by Puccini
Commissioned by Mara Goosman and the Butterfly Headjoint Company
2002 Castle in the Mist for alto flute & piano
Commissioned by Sue Blessing, Boston, MA
2000 Echoes in the Wind—A Native American Soliloquy
(for alto flute & piano)
Commissioned by Sue Blessing, Boston, MA
2000 Cloud Images for Flute Choir
Commissioned by Albert Weatherly, Mara Goosman and Sankyo Flutes USA